

Opera by Ana Sokolović

A Boston Lyric Opera production,
co-produced with Opera Philadelphia.

English captions available.
By arrangement with Boosey & Hawkes, Inc.

WINNER for Artistic Creation
at the 2023 Opera America Awards
for Digital Excellence in Opera

Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after! Svadba, a new cinematic opera experience, tells the story of a bride-to-be on the eve of her wedding as four of her closest friends and an elder family member gather to help her prepare for the big event. This chamber opera dramatizes the ritual of preparing for marriage, the importance of preserving tradition, and the true power of friendship and community. Sung completely a cappella, Svadba’s mesmerizing music by Serbian composer Ana Sokolović combines with dance-led visuals from film director Shura Baryshnikov and screenwriter Hannah Shepard. Serbian-born Daniela Candillari conducts the music.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Boston Cultural Council’s Reopen Creative Boston Fund, administered by the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture.

Please note this synopsis contains spoilers for the film experience.

Svadba poetically explores the traditions and rituals associated with the night before marriage. Milica, the bride, prepares for the wedding day with her five girlfriends, all channeling a range of enthusiastic and anxious emotions into decorations, games, and song. The Storytellers oversee the action, appearing in ceremonies and dreams and speaking across time; the contemporary and ancestral worlds are thus cast in conversation with one another. The seven scenes of the drama are set on a beach and cottage by the Atlantic Ocean, and the water, sky, sand, flowers and creatures all play a part in the physical and spiritual landscape. Invoking Slavic and Balkan folk tales and myth, the scenes carry a mystical charm, but also relay universal cultural themes on how marriage shapes family and friendship.

The women consider the duality of a wedding as both the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another. Milica and her bridesmaids carry sea grass and wildflowers to the cottage to begin decorating, and Handymen arrive to roll out the wedding rug. Lena, the Elder, begins preparing colored henna to dye Milica’s hair, marking the rite of passage. Later, Milica reflects by the shore and sinks into a dream, entering a decorative fairy-tale world with her betrothed.

download the Libretto PDF for Boston Lyric Opera's 2022 production of Svadba

English translation by Lydia Perović

Tension builds, blurring the line between lighthearted role-playing and contentious confrontation. Milica’s girlfriends act out a gender-role battle– a fiery call and response game. Ljubica, the maid of honor, begins to stew in earnest jealousy of Milica. Out at the beach, the tension comes to a boil during a standoff between the two women, which the other bridesmaids are keen to mitigate. The striking of the drum leads the bridal party back to the cottage to ready themselves for nighttime.

Milica wades out in the water to bathe, looking up at the stars and returning to her fairy-tale daydream. The Storytellers sing her to sleep. Dawn breaks and the final preparations are underway. Emotions are raw as Milica dresses on the morning of the ceremony. The bridesmaids play ocarinas and percussion to greet the wedding day. Milica and Ljubica embrace and make amends. Finally, all decorations are set. Milica and her betrothed at last greet each other face-to-face in a beautiful ceremony by the shore.

Harbors and Horizons: Gender, Voice, and Ritual in Svadba

Quick: when was the last time you saw an opera with hardly any men in it? In Ana Sokolović’s Svadba, the (virtual) curtain rises on a world which is beyond the male gaze – at least temporarily. It is the eve of a wedding. A bride, Milica, is surrounded by her wedding attendants, a group of friends and relatives. In this production, their actions take place under the watchful, caring eyes of the Ancestors, a group of female storytellers who guide their preparations for the festivities to come. From a cottage perched on land’s limit by the seashore, and on the [...]

By |January 25th, 2022|

The Richness of Svadba: Exploring the Sounds of Serbian Music

Svadba is a piece that has followed me around for quite some time. I was always intrigued by it and was glad when BLO invited me to conduct their production, which is an opera film with dance. And thus, began not only my study and preparation for Svadba, but also familiarizing myself with the folk music of my own country, Serbia. My first memories of Serbian folk music seem very distant, and I believe it was probably something that fell into my ear on a late Sunday afternoon while watching TV when I was about six years old. One thing I [...]

By |January 25th, 2022|

For press images, please visit
Svadba Media Kit

Gritty music, strong and assertive throughout, [with] moments of visual beauty…it creates a world of its own.”
Boston Musical Intelligncer, 1/30/2022

Universal and timeless…a freshly conceived film version.”
“Sophisticated, heady and attractive…Svadba pushes the envelope of opera as film.
“Masterfully conducted…[composer] Sokolović conjure[s] moments redolent with magic and mystery.
Transition[s] effortlessly from playful to serious to thoughtful..”
Victoria Awkward [is] a gentle, radiant presence, beautifully capturing the bride-to-be’s sense of wonder and anticipation”
“Captures the intense feelings of friendship and wonder.
-Musical America, 1/28/2022

“…scene after luminous scene of dancing”
Yahoo News, 1/28/2022

Really extraordinary…a cinematic experience! Shura Baryshnikov does something really clever here.”
– WGBH Morning Edition, Arts This Week w/ Jared Bowen, 1/27/2022

“Creatively re-imagined! A virtuoso tour-de-force!”
“Svadba” communicates directly, emotionally and viscerally
Opera Today, 1/25/2022

Vocalists + Creative

Behind-the-Scenes Production Photos

Season artwork created by Myung Hee Cho.


  • Ana Sokolovic | Composer, Svadba, Boston Lyric Opera, 2022: Raoul Manuel Schnell
  • Sasha Petersen, Dancer (Bridesmaid) in Boston Lyric Opera’s 2022 production of Svadba: Victoria Awkward
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