Professional Development
Opera Creation Boot Camp:
A Professional Development Intensive for Educators
Open to ALL K-12 Classroom Teachers, Pre-Service Teachers, Arts Specialists, & Teaching Artists
No Arts Experience Needed, only a Curiosity to Create!
Based in the Music! Words! Opera! national curriculum, dive deep into how to facilitate the opera creation process with your students, and learn new tools and techniques that support your existing teaching practice. Sessions focus on:
- Arts-Integrated Project-Based Learning ideal for collaborative teaching and learning
- Differentiated Learning Strategies to adapt the curriculum to meet your teaching and learning goals
- Social Emotional Learning outcomes addressed
- STEAM Lessons in technical theater
- Built-in Practicum: Practice teaching each day mentored by Master Teaching Artists
After invigorating morning sessions with Master Teaching Artists, educator-participants have the opportunity to apply their new skills immediately. Each afternoon, we will welcome a group of elementary-aged students in our Opera Camp for a week-long creative opera project, providing a hands-on teaching experience for educators. Build an inclusive opera company in your classroom for dynamic arts-integrated project-based learning. No arts expertise necessary. Recommended that a teaching team of at least two attend from the same school to construct a supportive co-teaching curriculum customized to meet students’ teaching and learning goals.
Registration and Materials Fee: $100 per Educator
Registration Info Coming Soon
Questions? Contact Us!
Professional Development Points from Massachusetts DESE available at no extra cost.

“Both Prilly and Joel gave me a new bag of tools for inspiring creativity in my students. I’ve found myself utilizing their techniques in other aspects of my teaching, beyond opera creation. They also stretched me as an artist. I loved the fact that my teacher-peers and I could work to create our own opera, while at the same time using our new-found skills with actual students each afternoon.”